Everything is energy. Match the frequency of the
reality you want, and you cannot help but get that reality. It can be no other
way. This is not philosophy. This is Physics!
I was reading about Winston Churchill some time
back. He is considered to be the lion who roared when the British empire needed
him the most. In 2002 BBC poll, he was voted the Greatest Briton. Churchill had
tremendous ability to inspire people regardless of seemingly ominous
circumstances, his strategic insight, his relentless passion and his unflustered
personality. He perpetually demonstrated enthusiasm, determination and
He was able to channel his determination to the
British people, and generally strengthen their resolve through enthusiastic
encouragement and praise to others.
Another factor that elevated all of his talents
to the forefront was his passion. He possessed a passion for democratic freedom
that drove him to work hard for its preservation. Perhaps the best example of
Churchill’s passion is found in some of the words that he used to inspire
people and battle defeatism – “I am convinced that every man of you would rise
up and tear me down from my place if I were for one moment to contemplate
parley or surrender. If this long island story is to last, let it end only when
each one of us lies choked in his own blood on the ground.” He had that tremendous
energy that enthused, motivated and
energized people constantly.
When we speak about energy, years ago, Albert
Einstein addressed the scientific community and presented the idea that
everything that we see, hear, taste, touch and smell is not matter, but energy.
Everything that ‘matters’ is energy.
Chemistry says energy can be catabolic or
anabolic. Catabolism usually refers
to a breakdown of complex molecules, while anabolism
is the opposite. Now, from an organizational perspective, catabolic energy is
draining and resisting, releases cortisol and adrenaline; and can narrow your
focus, making you less open to different points of view. Anabolic energy on the
other hand is constructive, fuelling, healing, and growth-oriented. It releases
endorphins and helps you move forward, achieve long term goals and is critical
in leading others in the same direction.
You might have come across leaders (or leaders
without title) who are anabolic energy
radiators. They are full of enthusiasm, energy, passion and spark. When you
meet them, you feel charged, motivated, more confident, energetic and you are
able to think about different possibilities. Things appear to move faster in
their presence. They have the ability to spark progress in groups. It is almost
like a motion of electricity which has the power of uniting ordinary people to
do extraordinary things.
They try and bring out the best in others, are
good communicators who are eager and appreciative, focused on team results, yet
attentive to the needs of individual contributors. They see opportunities, even
in challenging situations. They have good judgement about people and
situations, without being ‘judgmental’ and also have a vision on how to lead
people to excellence. Simply put, such people are energizers.
They work towards making energetic shifts in the
organization. Such people are not only needed at the top levels, but also at
different organizational levels.
Energy is contagious, and positive human energy has the power of transforming organizations, communities,
nations. Keep in mind that an organization strongly reflects how its leaders think, feel, and act.
As effective leaders, can you maintain these energy levels?
1. Put your passions on your
schedule. Think about the things that you love doing so much that you lose
track of time, and find yourself in almost another dimension? Make sure you
keep such things on your schedule. Work your priorities around your passions
rather than vice versa, and see how your energy levels soar.
2. Practice optimism. When we
focus on challenges, we tend to slow down on our tracks. Even if things are
going wrong, look for the opportunities or lessons. Try shifting your focus
from the ‘challenge’ to the ‘solution’. Seeing new possibilities cause our
energy levels to go up.
3. Keep feeding your mind with
new and stimulating content. Take out time to read meaningful, positive and
motivating material.
4. Take time to relax, breathe
and observe yourself to be in the present moment. By focusing on the present,
you can reduce stress and re-energize yourself with a recreated power and take
energetic steps forward.
People have an incredible reservoir of
positive energy waiting to be released. Tap into that energy, direct it and
multiply it.
Let your unique awesomeness and positive energy
inspire confidence in others, make them feel their best and be their best
Time for reflection:
What kind of energy radiator are you?
courtesy: cooldesign at freedigitalphotos.net)
You may get in touch with Monica at monica@redesignhr.com for
Leadership Development Programs, Transformational and Peak Performance
interventions, Coaching and HR Consulting.
Monica also works with people or families
of people having learning disabilities or autism.
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